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Monday, November 29, 2010

Bathroom pictures and why they are not sexy...

I love cell phone bathroom pictures just as much as the next person! However, there are some things to consider when taking a cell picture of yourself...
One would be to not get a shot of the toliet in every picture you've ever taken. Nothing takes away from your beautiful face like an open toilet seat.
Perhaps try standing in front of it, or better yet find another room in the house with a mirror! If you are a real champion, you will muster up the confidence to take a picture without having intensely stare yourself down! I clearly do not take my own advice.

                                 I'll stop here but you get the idea.


  1. I luv ur "sleeze face" haha... smiling in pics is so not cool... :p

  2. Im making sleeze face at you right now.

  3. i think its working... im feeling a lil dizzy... *starts singing Phantom*

  4. if it wasn't for the smiley toilet face, i wouldn't even have looked at it twice. heeee i love your eye make-up. <3

    sin cera (without wax),

  5. haha but look at this way even the poor toilet wants it's 15 seconds of fame.

  6. lol. We have a full size mirror just outside my door so I hardly ever take bathroom pics. And even if I did, you can't see the toilet in the pic.

    Just possibly the shower or something. XD

  7. LOOOOOOOOOOL your toilet is on the internet. This is glorious.

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