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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Your OkCupid Date is Waiting For You!

If you are going to date online, you have to change the way you date. This is not a classmate, or a man your coworker set you up with -- this person is a complete stranger. Meeting up with a man from an online dating site can feel like the equivalent to inviting a bum into your house, but don't worry! Here are some things to consider before your date with a psychopathic murderer...

1. Lurking - If its possible to get a glance of your date before you meet up with him, do that. Always pick the location. Find a nice lurking spot like a tall parking garage or a large planter with a bush. Tell your date exactly where to meet you so you can get a good look at him, just like a crazy stalker. Does he look like he's wearing fresh clothes? Is he your type? Do people naturally avoid walking too close to him? Try to keep your face covered so he doesn't see you. Wear a cape if you have to. Or a mask.

2. Feel Free to be Fake - This person has probably only seen pictures of you, and maybe talked on the phone once or twice. If you're shy, guess what? You don't have to be! If 5 minutes into the date you realize you are not digging him, feel free to have fun with it. Make up a story. Lie about your job. Speak in a British accent. We only live once, right?

3. Bring a Recorder - I am a huge supporter of recording blind dates. People say hilarious, ridiculous things when nervous in front of a stranger. You never know when you might hit gold, so stick your recorder in a convenient place, hit the "On" button, and observe. You'll have plenty of good stories to tell your friends.

4. The "Quick Escape" - Remember, you don't know this guy. You're have no obligation to hang around if you're trapped on a bad date. And guess what? You don't even have to excuse yourself. If he's not what you thought he was, just leave. Here's a few of my favorite "quick exit" strategies:
  • Say "I have to go to the bathroom." Take your purse with you. Never come back.
  • Conveniently lose him in a store. It helps if you're within walking distance to your house. ;)
  • "Fake call" a friend. Look down at your phone and exclaim, "Uh-oh, I gotta take this!" Then have a fake conversation talking to no one. Make sure your phone is on "silent" so it doesn't start ringing in the middle of your fake emergency phone call. Oopps! Busted.
  • Tell him you left your jacket in your car and you're freezing. Again, never come back.
Remember, all of the above methods are tried and true. It helps if your date doesn't know where you live, which reminds me -- don't EVER have a stranger pick you up from you house if you live alone! NEVER NEVER NEVER.

5. The "Long Escape" - Okay, you're definitely not going on a second date with this guy, but he's cute and "fun enough." Let him buy you drinks. Get drunk. See a movie with him. Make out a little if you want. At this point, I highly suggest my favorite method of abandoning a date: excuse yourself to use the bathroom and leave (as outlined in "The Short Escape.") Randomly leaving dates is one of my favorites things to do. It's pretty addictive.

A side note: I am not a supporter of "One Night Stands." You don't know who this guy or where he's been, and where are you going to have sex -- his car?Never, ever get into a strangers car. If you do, prepare for this man to cross the border with you so have your passport. Nothing kills an impromptu kidnapping like forgetting your passport. Of course this guy wants to get into your pants, but that is gonna cost a bit more than one nights worth of drinks. Have your fun, get a good buzz going, then go home and enjoy a sexy episode of True Blood and cuddle up with your "real" boyfriend, Mr.Jack Rabbit.

6. Uh-oh! You abandoned him at a restaurant and now he won't stop calling you! Guess what? You don't have to pick up.

And there you have it -- 6 Quick Tips to online dating

Serendipity and Feathers


  1. Excellent tips! Tried and true, I can testify! ;D

  2. after seeing the types of ppl my brother found online not sure online dating is good

  3. I'd like to tell you a story about a guy named Thor.

    I met him on OKCupid. No shocker. He contacted me and we got to talking and he wanted to have a date. He was cute enough, (slightly ginger, nice lips, glasses, kinda nerdy - oups do I have a type? yes I do), so I said yes.

    We met up at P.F. Changs, I had never been there before, he suggested some meals to me, I ordered one. Then we got to talking about my profile, which stated at the time that I wasn't really interested in straight guys. Yet I accepted a date from him, a straight guy. Yes I'm aware of what a hypocrite I am. ;) He told me I was closed minded and I laughed, then I asked him if he would ever date a guy, and he said no, so then I asked him who the closed minded one really was, and reminded him that not only had I dated straight men in the past, but I was actually OUT with HIM, regardless of what I said in my profile. He shut up.

    We did wind up having a pretty good time, and he wanted to hang out more so I led him back to my house. Bad idea, yes I know. But my mother lives with me. So. xD Anyway, we watched some movies until pretty late in the night, and he tried junior high techniques to make out with me, such as tackling me to get to my phone. I did not let him have my phone or my lips.

    When I finally kicked him out, I asked if he would call. He said he would. I never heard from him again.

    No skin off my back, honestly, he was short, and I don't really do short guys. ;)

    I'm sure there are better AND worse stories of meetings from OKCupid, but that was mine. Maybe next time I'll tell you about the neurotic girl I met up with from there, and how clingy she wound up being.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Never, ever invite a short man into your house, unlesss hes going to live in the tree in your backyard and bake you cookies.

    Second, i question the stability of a man who creates an OKCupid account. Why would a man set out to take on a cligny girls bullshit? Im not sure. They probably just want to get laid.

    Did you like PF Changs? Did he pay for everything? I hope so

  6. oh. no he didn't pay. we split the bill. lame. xD trust me, i won't be inviting height challenged men into my home ever again.
